Sunday, December 12, 2004
Apparently, "heroin" is the metaphor du jour now that the election is over (when "Hitler" was the comparator of choice). All the folks who know stuff have started analogizing the stuff they disaprove of to this scourge, revealed Radley Balko last week in Reason. Indeed, heroin has supplanted crack cocaine as the Worst Thing Ever.
And I still attribute all suspicious tastiness to surreptitious MSG addition. Gotta update my similes here for the New Millenium.
... for bluenoses in search of that elusive high only a strained drug war analogy can provide, heroin’s clearly all the rage.Alcohol, club "raves," corporate governance, obesity, technology, what do they have in common? They're like heroin!
And I still attribute all suspicious tastiness to surreptitious MSG addition. Gotta update my similes here for the New Millenium.