
Saturday, June 17, 2006


The nine year old discovered the joys of Harry Potter around Easter this year, after years of disdain due to the author's mistake in making the main protagonist a boy and therefore surely uninteresting. She rocketed through all six books and promptly began to read the whole series again from the beginning.

As she sat on the couch a few hours ago, deep in Book 3, I piously intoned some slop about how while reading is great exercise for her mind, it was important to exercise her body as well and she shouldn't forget about the importance of seemingly pointless expenditures of energy, at which the five year old is so adept. (No, I do not practice what I preach).

A few minutes ago, she announced that she was going to ride her bike around the block.

I would crow that I'm clearly the uber-mom, except that yesterday the five year old covered the faces of all her dolls with "sunscreen," or as most folks would call it, Vaseline.


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